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He originally trained as a photojournalist and film-maker at the London College of Printing and Central Saint Martins Art College, and studied social anthropology and art history at Goldsmiths and the University of Oxford. He has worked for many years in adult and higher education, and is a former local government media consultant and British Refugee Council media adviser. The main focus was his long-term project based around urban street photography in London. Since my earliest encounters with photography, walking with a camera was perceived and experienced as a kind of cultural and geographic passport. Photography opened up a world of the urban marvellous, and the city beckoned and invited my participation within its theatre and everyday spectacles. The work is a kind of auto-ethnography of my day-to-day life harnessing the power of photography to speak a language that resonates with a part of my on-going experience of being a Londoner - in a city that fascinates, infuriates, perplexes and at times leaves me utterly lost for words. A city that I have a deep sense of shared belonging with, that continues to intoxicate me, and that I am happy to call my home. Mariela Yeregui.
Document details
Inglaterra meridional. Lugar de culto, erigido entre el final del neolítico v el inicio de la edad del bronce aC. Mabogunje América latina: una biografía urbana La organización de las comunidades urbanas en Nigeria Ovsei I. Las nociones que definían lo urbano, como el centro o los límites de la ciudad, han cambiado de significado. Las grandes aglome- raciones tienen actualidad el nombre de conurbación.
Personne auteur : Jinnai Hidenobu
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