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Brasil Resumo A violência conjugal aparece como sintoma da dinâmica conjugal e da dinâmica intrapsíquica de cada parceiro envolvido. Palabras claves: Violência Conjugal, Psicodinâmica, Psicologia Intercultural, Ley Maria da Penha Abstract Domestic violence appears as a symptom of the intrapsychic dynamics of each partner involved eda marital dynamics. To grasp its complexity, it is necessary an interdisciplinary look. The court ritualization, for example, is an important modality for the management of humiliation and guilt, decisive in confronting the traumatic. The observations were made under an extension project conducted at the Federal University of Santa Catarina since which provided specialized psychological care for people directly involved in situations of domestic violence as well as the investigation of the complaint of the route of violence since the complaint in WPS. Through the project was able to map cultural resources mobilized in the judicial system and the family that enabled or limited the output process of a violent situation. Clinical work had as general objectives : The reconstruction of identity, restoring confidence in their own productions and symbolic definition of boundaries between self and others. The results presented intend to question the judicial treatment of marital violence in Brazil by Maria da Penha Law and point out ways for clinical intervention in cases of this complexity.

Conférence : Seminar on Urbanization Problems in Latin America Santiago de Chile 1959

Compendio Los discursos higienistas surgidos a partir de la segunda mitad del siglo XIX se enfocaron en dar una renovada visión a temas como el matrimonio, maternidad y locura puerperal, cuestiones que fueron al mismo tiempo relacionadas con la concepción del crimen mujeril. En consecuencia, este artículo aborda a través de una perspectiva histórico-social casos de infanticidio ocurridos en Río de Janeiro entre y In actual, infanticides created concern among physicians, generating debates and controversies during their assay, reaching the point that they adopted these discourses, not only to act towards them as a physico-pathological fact, although also as a moral character abolish that arose in mothers, but a good deal more in those considered deviants after that outside the normal pattern, as the infanticides. Consequently, this article addresses, all the way through a historical-social perspective, cases of infanticide that occurred in Rio de Janeiro between and This observation is based on the analysis of the particularities and procedures carried out all the rage the criminal proceedings opened during this period for infanticide in the capital that rest in the National Annals of Brazil. El auge y la injerencia que la medicina ejerció en tales procesos se determinó como consecuencia del auge de las teorías degenerativas sobre el crimen, en donde las infanticidas surgieron como madres que podían asesinar a sus hijos llevadas por un sentimiento de excesiva pasión. Para los galenos, el cuerpo femenino se convirtió en un ente inestable que necesitaba de estudio y regulación, en este sentido, la maternidad y el sentimiento maternal, así como la amamantamiento pasaron a ser puntos transcendentales de ese control.

Collectivité auteur : United Nations Bureau of Social Affairs

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